Monday, May 12, 2008

What a day

Happy Mother's Day!!!!
I know by the time anyone reads this MD* will be over, but I figured I would get that out of the way at least.
I had a hard day, not that work was that hard , but man was I tired and felt like crap all day.
It was really pretty slow for such a holiday. When I was working for a very well known restaurant chain MD* was the busiest day of the whole year. Apparently not for my current job.
It seemed like an excruciatingly long day and I felt as if I was caught between two dimensions all day to boot!
In layman's terms," it sucked" .
part of it was fatigue because I have barely slept in like two weeks and tomorrow I go to an interview about my 15 year old son with juvenile justice . It's gonna be a party!!! WOO HOOO!!!!!
So iam trying to make myself sleepy ( because of course I am wide awake now) by drinking beer and eating some frozen chimichangas with mole' all over them. They are delicious ( for frozen Mexican food) I just hope this combination works it's magic on me and I sleep soon.
As far as I know the women who I love the most in this whole world are having a fairly favorable opinion of me today ( I sure hope it didn't change) and that was a comfort.
Still is in fact, I do love my mom and my wife so very much. Most of the time they even like each other. I like that too.
God must have smiled on me a little any way.
Good night..


sandwhichisthere said...
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Evelyn said...

Hi Shaun,

I hope the interview about your son went reasonably well. I've been through that with my now 21-year old. I never would have thought that being a parent to a teenager could be WORSE than being a teenager!

Evelyn said...

Hi Shaun,

I hope the interview about your son went reasonably well. I've been through that with my now 21-year old. I never would have thought that being a parent to a teenager could be WORSE than being a teenager!

Evelyn said...

Hi Shaun,

I hope the interview about your son went reasonably well. I've been through that with my now 21-year old. I never would have thought that being a parent to a teenager could be WORSE than being a teenager!

Evelyn said...

oops..... sorry about the triple post!

Tera Rose said...

yeah, let us know about how the interview went as soon as you can.


Tera Rose said...

Without knowing who reads your blog- let me just say this.

There is brain damage at certain is developmental but makes us insane.

I believe it is a normal natural process of us letting go of our adult children. If they stayed cute and sweet- we wouldn't want them out of our nest to start their own lives.

We can't always fix things- they own their choices, their moods and their consequences.

The good news is that their brain develops again- later than some of us want-

I remember recently putting my son into this diagnosing program (at 7). They have restraints as one of their procedures to handle unsafe defiant behavior.

I work in residential treatment facility with teens- we use therapeutic holds as well.

I was angry that the school would use restraint on little kids- but there were no other options for school and I needed him in school last fall.

A close friend of my husbands- older and much wiser- said to me, "let him own his own restraints"

? that perplexed me. But I listened.

His issues are his- he knows that his choices can lead to restraints- so he owns his own restraints.

I felt freedom in this because I can't make the decisions for my kids that I think MAKE SENSE.

I can love them....

I can listen....

and I can hug them when they screw it all up....

but his restraints belong to him.

If I pick up the guilt- it weighs too much- because it doesn't belong to me.

Hugs to you.

Tera Rose said...

and one more thing-

once when I was feeling guilty about a parenting mistake on my oldest (I divorced his father when he was little)...

another wise friend said,

"YOU GAVE THE CHILD THE GIFT OF LIFE- what more could you give?"

The rest of the script is not all up to you-

and even a bad script-

it's how he choses to respond to that life.

Many have had terrible childhoods and grow up to be wonderful adults and parents.

so true, don't you think?

sandwhichisthere said...

Thank you for your post. It brought back memories. I used to work for AT&T. There were only three days in the year that were required that no one could have the day off, Mother's Day, the day after Thanksgiving, and Martin Luther King day. It was explained that Mother's Day is the busiest day of the year for long distance calling and the day after Thanksgiving because it is the busiest day of the year for business calls. It was explained about Martin Luther King Day but never in writing.
Problems with children are a part of life. Remember "Raise up a daughter in the way she would go and you will have pride in your old age. Raise up a son in the way he would go and he will damn sure go the other way.". This comment was found on the walls at in a cave in France, right next to the picture of the aurochs.

sandwhichisthere said...

Last comment, honest. I read in one of the other comments about "worse than being a teenager". I remember my Father's advice to both my brother and I when we were that age "What's wrong with you? All you have to do is go to school, do your homework, and sleep. It is the best time of your life.". I wish we had listened to him, about a lot more than that.